Sam Jolman

Christmas Is About The Stuff

“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” John 1:14 “God looked over everything he had made; it was so good, so very good!” Genesis 1:31 “Everything is already yours as a gift.”  1 Corinthians 3:21 The…

Man Pressure

“Our view of spiritual manhood has more to do with continuing to function in spite of difficulties than with successfully overcoming them.”  Larry Crabb, Don Hudson, Al Andrews My friend Mary Ellen stopped me in the hallway one day at…

I Thought I Was Over This

“People tend to think of recollections as fading over time, but memories grow like manuscripts being revised. In remembering, we add and fill in—and the more often you remember something, the more you change it, by committing to memory your…

What’s Your Revolution?

“Postmodern irony and cynicism has become an end in itself, a measure of hip sophistication and literary savvy. Few artists dare to try to talk about ways of working toward redeeming what’s wrong, because they’ll look sentimental and naive to…

When We Are Lance

“Mental health is a commitment to reality at all costs.”  M. Scott Peck “We make ourselves real by telling the truth.” Thomas Merton “The truth will set you free.” Jesus Well, well, Old Lance Armstrong did it after all.  He…

What Do We Attack Now?

“Evil loves trauma and drama.” Dan Allender “Our battle is not against flesh and blood.” Paul You know the story. You have read it, heard it over and over, probably countless times by now. Its the one we are all…

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