Sam Jolman

Go to Bed Angry

Go to Bed Angry

Its marriage advice most Christians hear at some point. Don’t go to bed angry. Make up before you sack out for the night. I’ve certainly heard it my requisite few dozen times in books or sermons on marriage. And I’m…

Parenting As One Thing

“A parent’s unconscious is a child’s first reality.” Louis Cozolino “Love covers over a multitude of sins.”  1 Peter 4:8 Brandt had been crying for over an hour. I mean this guy was straight singing the blues wailing. And there…

Give A Man His Swagger

“Don’t muzzle your ox as he treads the grain press.” Deuteronomy 25:4 “I did it!” Brandt Yesterday morning during the middle of my first sip of coffee, our two year old son Brandt ran into the room. “I wanna go…

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